ESOS Helpline
A chemical pump is a machine for conveying liquid or supercharging liquid. It transfers the mechanical energy or other external energy of the prime mover to the liquid so as to increase the energy of the liquid.
Chemical pumps are mainly used to transport water, oil, acid and alkali liquid, emulsion, suspension emulsion and liquid metal, as well as liquid and gas mixture and liquid containing suspended solids.
Chemical pumps are usually classified into three types: positive displacement pumps, power pumps and other types of pumps according to their working principles. In addition to the classification of work principles, it can also be classified and named by other methods. For example, according to the driving method, it can be divided into electric pump and water pump, and can be divided into single stage pump and multistage pump according to the structure. It can be divided into boiler feed water pump and metering pump according to its use, and can be divided into water pump, oil pump and mud pump according to the nature of the conveying fluid.
There is a certain interdependence relationship between the performance parameters of the chemical pump, which can be expressed as a curve, known as the characteristic curve of the pump, and each self suction magnetic pump has its own specific characteristic curve.
A machine that conveyed a liquid or booster a liquid. In general, a pump is a mechanism for conveying fluid or making it pressurized, including some conveying gas. The pump transfers the mechanical energy of the prime mover or the energy of other energy to the liquid so as to increase the energy of the liquid.
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